This blog is dedicated

This blog is dedicated to Nancy, who gets it.

Joan Collins

Alexis Morell Carrington Colby Dexter Rowan. AKA Joan Collins. JC for short, and just as important as that other JC. And in case you can't spot the Queen of B movies, horror flicks and prime-time TV in the pic above, she's the one on the right. Starring with then-hubby Anthony Newley in Can Heironymus Merkin Ever Forget Mercy Humppe And Find True Happiness?, Joan joined a gaggle of female stars (including Connie Kreski--above, left--as Mercy Humppe) in Newley's Felliniesque fantasia. Polyester Poontang is her name and she croons "Chalk And Cheese" to a nude Newley (the flick was rated X).

You may have heard Joan tackling a tune or two in Road To Hong Kong, Dynasty or the mini-series Monte Carlo. She even released an album in the swinging sixties that I would DIE to get my hands on. I did get to hear her sing live in Bath, England when she was touring in Noel Coward's Private Lives. After her musical attempt, her costar proclaimed she "always did have a lovely voice." At that moment, a group of kids sitting next to me giggled hysterically at the all-to-flattering remark. There's nothing like live theater.

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